Tax Credit Approved Cook Stoves
**UPDATED FOR 2023**
You may have heard that certain cook stoves are eligible for a tax credit, but what does that mean? Which stoves does it apply to? And, most importantly, how do you actually receive a cook stove tax credit?
Thankfully, the Cookstove Community is here to help answer those questions for you.
First, it’s important to understand what a tax credit is and why it exists for wood cook stoves. To put it simply, a tax credit allows you to subtract a certain amount of money from your annual taxes. If you receive a $100 tax credit and list it appropriately when you file your taxes, you will save $100 on what you owe. Tax credits are also sometimes applied as a percentage of the cost of an item. For example, if you purchase a stove for $1200 and it has a 10% tax credit available, you can save $120 the next time you file your taxes.
In August 2022, the United States passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which allows high-efficiency biomass heating products to qualify for a 30% tax credit capped at $2,000 annually (section 25(C) of the Internal Revenue Code). This tax credit can be used on the purchase and installation costs of qualified heating products installed between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2032. Qualifying appliances must have a thermal efficiency of at least 75% per the higher heating value (HHV) of the fuel. If a heating product meets the efficiency requirements and was purchased in 2022, but not installed until 2023, it can be claimed on a 2023 tax return. All products must be claimed on the tax return year in which the installation is complete.
Note: You may be aware of a previous tax credit available for home heating equipment purchased between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022. That tax credit, called the “Investment Tax Credit” (section 25(D) of the Internal Revenue Code), allowed for uncapped credit of up to 26% on qualifying heaters. The Investment Tax Credit is now expired, and cannot be used for purchases or installations made after December 31, 2022.
A great deal on a tax credit is not the only reason you should purchase an energy-efficient cook stove, of course. Every stove is different and there are a variety of features to consider from the size to the oven capabilities, vent placement, domestic hot water capabilities, and more. To help you decide what fits best with your needs, we’ve put together a list of our favorite tax credit approved cook stoves.
Rizzoli Wood Cook Stoves
Made in Italy, Rizzoli wood cook stoves demonstrate why the country has a reputation for quality craftsmanship in all things cooking-related. Rizzoli stoves tend to have a modern look and feel, but are not so bold that they would feel out of place in most traditional homes, and every model is highly customizable to fit a variety of styles, color choices, and configurations.
One of the many advantages that Rizzoli wood cook stoves have is the inclusion of zero clearance panels, which allow you to place the stove directly against kitchen cabinets if necessary. Rizzoli stoves also offer outside air connections, top and rear vent options, and hydronic heating (in the case of the LT90 wood cook stove).
Rizzoli wood cook stoves can be purchased here from Obadiah’s Woodstoves & Alternative Energy.
Tim Sistem North Wood Cook Stove
With a stainless steel design, the North wood cook stove by Tim Sistem can stand up to years of heavy use while still looking as sharp as the day you brought it home. The North has earned a place among our favorite cook stoves thanks to a high efficiency rating (79%), a light weight build, and a large firebox (capable of logs up to 17”) all while coming in at a price that won’t break the bank. The North also offers top or rear vent placement as well, allowing for more installation options.
The North wood cook stove can be purchased here from Obadiah’s Woodstoves & Alternative Energy.
ABC Products Concept 2 Air Mini Wood Cook Stove

The Concept 2 Air Mini wood cook stove is one of the few exceptionally compact cook stoves on the market, taking up only 3.16 square feet of space and coming in at just over 3 feet in height. The Mini is perfect for kitchens where space is at a premium, but don’t let the size fool you: This is an exceptional cook stove, with a 100% stainless steel oven, an incredibly highly efficiency rating (85%), and the ability to burn both wood and coal.
The Concept 2 Air Mini also offers top or rear vent options as well as outside air connections, and a cast iron cook top that can be lifted off for easy cleaning. If you need a cook stove but have limited room, it’s hard to do better than the compact and easy-to-use Concept 2 Air Mini.
The Concept 2 Air Mini wood cook stove can be purchased here from Obadiah’s Woodstoves & Alternative Energy.
MBS Magnum Wood and Coal Cook Stove
The Magnum cook stove by MBS is a beautiful stove, simply put. Not only does the Magnum feature many traditional embellishments that bring to mind the classic cook stoves of yesterday, it also offers an optional yet jaw-dropping soapstone finish. Unlike other soapstone stoves on the market, however, the Magnum’s soapstone is built directly into the stove along the sides and underbelly, giving it a cohesive, finished look and feel. Soapstone is a great addition to any cook stove as it allows the stove to retain heat for extended periods, often many hours after the fire has gone cold, but it typically comes at a significant price. Not so with the Magnum cook stove, which is much more affordable than any of its soapstone competitors such as the Vermont Bun Baker.
Optional soapstone isn’t all the Magnum cook stove has going for it. You will also find two warming drawers, a sizeable cook top, deep firebox, and left or right flue options. The Magnum is also capable of burning both wood and coal, an option not found on most cook stoves.
The Magnum wood and coal cook stove can be purchased here from Obadiah’s Woodstoves & Alternative Energy.
Note: The Magnum is not UL listed. Please check with your insurance/local building codes before installation.
ABC Products Concept 2 Air Wood and Coal Cook Stove
The Concept 2 Air cook stove by ABC Products blends modern and traditional style together to create a stove that feels at home anywhere, whether it’s grandma’s kitchen or inside of a restaurant. Dual controls make operating the Concept 2 Air a breeze, and the stainless steel design ensures that you have a clean, corrosion free stove for many years to come. The Concept 2 Air also offers top, rear, or side vent capabilities, outside air connections, and can burn both wood and coal.
Best of all, the Concept 2 Air cook stove won’t break the bank. For its size and capabilities the Concept 2 Air offers an incredible bang for your buck, especially when factoring in the huge tax credit that is available.
The Concept 2 Air wood and coal cook stove can be purchased here from Obadiah’s Woodstoves & Alternative Energy.
Osburn Stoves and Inserts
Made in Canada, Osburn stoves and inserts are well known for their excellent build quality and simple-yet-modern looks. The EPA-approved Osburn 2000 wood burning stove, one of their most popular models, exemplifies everything that Osburn does well with it’s significant heat output (75,000 BTUs/hr), 77% efficiency, large firebox with self-cleaning airwash system, and a multitude of style options that allow you customize the look for your home.
Best of all, a selection of Osburn’s best products now qualify for the 26% tax credit, including the 2000 wood stove.
The following tax credit eligible Osburn units can be purchased from Obadiah’s Woodstoves & Alternative Energy:
Osburn 2000 Wood Burning Stove
Osburn 3500 Wood Stove
Osburn Matrix Wood Stove
Osburn Inspire 2000 Wood Stove
Osburn 2000 Wood Insert
Osburn Inspire 2000 Wood Insert
Osburn 3500 Wood Insert
Osburn Wood Matrix Insert
As of 17 June 2023, I could not find the ABC Products Concept 2 Air Mini in the EPA Wood Stove Database, although I did find the Drolet Bistro, which appears to qualify. Do you have a manufacturer’s certificate for the Air Mini that would meet the IRS requirement for documentation for the tax credit?
Hi Adam,
The Concept 2 Air Mini hasn’t been added to the EPA database yet, but you can find a copy of the manufacturer’s tax certificate on Obadiah’s Woodstoves site here:
If you have any more questions about the Concept 2 Air Mini, please feel free to get in touch with us at or give us a call at 406-300-1176. Thanks!